About Me

Francisco Luque

Hi! My name is Francisco Luque, a PhD Student at Granada University, Spain. My research is currently centered on applying Deep Learning to detect abnormal behaviours in crowds.

Interested in Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Open Source, User Privacy and Maths.

My Career

Universidad de Granada

Started a PhD on Crowd anomaly detection using Deep Learning.

Sept. 2020 - Currently
PhD Student

Universidad de Granada

Studied a Master's Degree in Data Science and Machine Learning.
Avg marks: 9.69/10
38.3 % of subjects passed with honors

Sept. 2019 - Sept. 2020
M.Sc. in Data Science

Universidad de Granada

Studied a double Bachelor's Degree in Maths and Computer Sciences.
Avg marks in Maths: 8.00/10
Avg marks in C.S: 8.45/10

Sept. 2013 - Jan. 2019
Bachelor's Degree


Revisiting Crowd Behaviour Analysis through Deep Learning: Taxonomy, anomaly detection, crowd emotions, datasets, opportunities and prospects

Francisco Luque, Isabelle Hupont, Siham Tabik, Francisco Herrera

Information Fusion - July 2020

Crowd behaviour analysis is an emerging research area. Due to its novelty, a proper taxonomy to organise its different sub-tasks is still missing. This paper proposes a taxonomic organisation of existing works following a pipeline, where sub-problems in last stages benefit from the results in previous ones. Models that employ Deep Learning to solve crowd anomaly detection, one of the proposed stages, are reviewed in depth, and the few works that address emotional aspects of crowds are outlined. The importance of bringing emotional aspects into the study of crowd behaviour is remarked, together with the necessity of producing real-world, challenging datasets in order to improve the current solutions. Opportunities for fusing these models into already functioning video analytics systems are proposed.

Deep Learning in Video Multi-Object Tracking: A Survey

Gioele Ciaparrone, Francisco Luque, Siham Tabik, Luigi Troiano, Roberto Tagliaferri, Francisco Herrera

Neurocomputing - March 2020

The problem of Multiple Object Tracking (MOT) consists in following the trajectory of different objects in a sequence, usually a video. In recent years, with the rise of Deep Learning, the algorithms that provide a solution to this problem have benefited from the representational power of deep models. This paper provides a comprehensive survey on works that employ Deep Learning models to solve the task of MOT on single-camera videos. Four main steps in MOT algorithms are identified, and an in-depth review of how Deep Learning was employed in each one of these stages is presented. A complete experimental comparison of the presented works on the three MOTChallenge datasets is also provided, identifying a number of similarities among the top-performing methods and presenting some possible future research directions.

From Big to Smart Data: Iterative ensemble filter for noise filtering in Big Data classification

Diego García Gil, Francisco Luque, Julián Luengo, Salvador García, Francisco Herrera

International Journal of Intelligent Systems - December 2019

The quality of the data is directly related to the quality of the models drawn from that data. For that reason, many research is devoted to improve the quality of the data and to amend errors that it may contain. One of the most common problems is the presence of noise in classification tasks, where noise refers to the incorrect labeling of training instances. This problem is very disruptive, as it changes the decision boundaries of the problem. Big Data problems pose a new challenge in terms of quality data due to the massive and unsupervised accumulation of data. This Big Data scenario also brings new problems to classic data preprocessing algorithms, as they are not prepared for working with such amounts of data, and these algorithms are key to move from Big to Smart Data. In this paper, an iterative ensemble filter for removing noisy instances in Big Data scenarios is proposed. Experiments carried out in six Big Data datasets have shown that our noise filter outperforms the current state‐of‐the‐art noise filter in Big Data domains. It has also proved to be an effective solution for transforming raw Big Data into Smart Data.